Lumen Christi is located in the Highland Park neighborhood of St. Paul, Minnesota.
As a parish community we strive to live according to the following values:
We discern God’s voice by listening with a loving heart, in prayer and in dialogue with each other, and by being especially aware of those who might be overlooked or in personal darkness.
We are grateful for our lives and God’s love, and in turn share our gifts with God and others.
We enter more deeply into our Catholic faith and spirituality through experience, reflection, prayer and education from Baptism through end of life.
We believe the celebration of the Eucharist is fundamental to our faith. The Eucharistic liturgy and all other forms of prayer strengthen our faith in God and our connection with one an-other.
We embrace the uniquesness of each individual and enter into all encounters with compassion and respect. In honoring differences, we are transformed to reflect God’s presence.
We act through charity to help meet the immediate needs of the poor and vulnerable, and through social justice to promote the human dignity afforded all God’s people.
We are committed to honesty, integrity, dialogue and open communication to carry out our mission with credibility and trust.
We seek to shine the light of Christ on every person we encounter, inside and outside our parish community.